Jun 2, 2009

Dental Poland: The Wand - Controlled Anaesthesia

The Wand is the easy alternative where local anaesthesia is required, having many advantages over a standard syringe.

Many patients believe that needle insertion is what causes discomfort during an injection, when in fact most of the pain is caused by the flow of the anaesthetic.

The mere sight of a dental syringe and the thought of having an injection by the dentist can easily make most patients wish they were somewhere else. For patients, this fear can be costly.
At the heart of this device is an on-board microprocessor, which guides the anaesthetic flow rate. The microprocessor inside The Wand™ automatically compensates for different tissue densities and the anaesthetic itself is delivered at a constant pressure and volume so that the injection itself is hardly felt.

To make your treatment really painless our Clinics use modern technologies and new anaesthetic methods, like The Wand.

The Patient does not feel any pain when the anaesthesia is distribiuted. After the treatment with the use of The Wand you would not fell any discomfort or a sensation of numbness. Just after the visit in the Clinic you can go to a meeting, lecture or party.